Welcome to PALE RIDER!

Hey everyone, welcome to our brand new website. This is just a start, we are no where near where we want to be but this is all a new learning process to us. Technology is not our strongest area, but we are getting there. Be sure to subscribe to our page so you’ll get new up to date information, articles, products, and videos as we put them out. We absolutely welcome and want your input and feedback, just please be professional with your words. We want to know how we can improve, just do not want negative comments and bad language. Be sure to check out all of our pages, especially our products and offers page. We are still in the process of getting our Federal Firearms license, so we’re not selling our own products just yet but we will be soon. In the mean time we have put links up to just about everything you could be looking for when it comes to firearms training, concealed carry, home/ personal security and more. We are working extremely hard to bring everything you want and need to improve your security, safety, and shooting ability to one place; both in the physical real world and the virtual world as well. Our new You Tube channel should have videos up shortly. The videos will be posted here as well so you’ll be able to come here and find them. Please be sure to like, share and subscribe to our website, You Tube channel, Facebook page, and our Patreon page, the links will be at the bottom of every page. We appreciate all of you and hope to help you achieve your safety, security, and shooting goals. Now just for fun we are going to be adding a few extra things to this page and our You Tube channel. We are regularly going to be covering shooting, security, and safety related topics, but we are also going to be talking about and discussing current events, todays crazy political environment, and maybe even a few oddities like UFO’s, Sasquatch, Paranormal activity and the like. Just because I think it’s interesting and fun. So stay tuned for future activity…… PALE RIDER